Showing posts with label MindBodySpirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MindBodySpirit. Show all posts

Heal Your Root Chakra: Your Guide to a Balanced Life

Root Chakra Information
Welcome to Your Root Chakra Healing Journey

Imagine standing strong like a centuries-old tree, its roots delving deep into the nurturing earth. This tree stands firm not just because of its visible strength but because its roots, hidden beneath the surface, anchor it securely. Just like this tree, your root chakra—the Muladhara—forms the hidden foundation of your energy system. It's where your sense of stability, security, and balance originates. Today, let's explore how nurturing your root chakra can support a life filled with confidence and calm.

Understanding Your Root Chakra

Your root chakra sits at the base of your spine, serving as the bedrock upon which the rest of your chakras rest. It's your personal anchor that connects you to the vibrancy of the Earth, grounding you like the base of a towering tree.

 Is Your Root Chakra Balanced?

When Balanced: You feel a sense of security, your financial matters are in good shape, and your confidence in your life's direction is clear. You are the tree that stands steadfast against the winds of change. When Unbalanced: You may feel as if you’re stumbling during a storm—uncertain, a little fearful, and physically unsettled. Symptoms like anxiety, lower back pain, and a pervasive sense of insecurity can all signal that your root chakra is calling out for attention

Base Chakra Information and Meditation

Techniques to Heal Your Root Chakra

Let's walk through some nurturing practices to help rebalance your root chakra, bringing a sense of peace and groundedness back to your life.

  1. Grounding Exercises

    • Connect with the earth beneath your feet. Feel the grass or sand; imagine you are drawing strength up from the ground just as a tree soaks up water from the soil.
  2. Affirmations for Daily Reassurance

    • Repeat with me: "I am grounded and secure." Let these words be your mantra, reinforcing your connection to the world around you.
  3. Crystals: Earth’s Healing Gifts

    • Hold a piece of Red Jasper and feel its soothing vibrations, or carry Black Tourmaline as your personal shield against negativity. Let these stones remind you of your strength and stability.
  4. Yoga: Poses to Root and Reconnect

    • Stand tall in Mountain Pose, feeling your feet press into the ground, or find balance in Warrior I, each breath deepening your connection to the earth.
  5. Meditation: Visualize Your Strength

    • Close your eyes and envision a vibrant red light at the base of your spine, pulsing with each breath, a beacon of stability.
  6. Embrace Nature’s Embrace

    • Walk through a park or garden, each step on the earth reminding you of your own stability and resilience.

Ready to Reconnect?

The journey through life, much like walking through a forest, can be unpredictable, but with a strong foundation, you can navigate it with confidence. If you're ready to deepen your roots and stabilize your life’s foundation, explore our curated selection of root chakra healing products and personalized sessions. Your path to a balanced and fulfilling life begins here—let us guide you back to your center.

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If this guide has helped you see your path a little clearer, why not share it? Spread the word, share the calm—it might just be the beacon someone else is searching for today!


Chakra Activation Exercises for Energy Alignment

Using Color, Meditation, Affirmations, Breathing, and Yoga to Heal Your Chakras

Chakras are energy centers in the body, each associated with a specific color and aspect of your life. For instance, the solar plexus chakra is represented by the color yellow, symbolizing personal power and confidence, while the crown chakra, associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment, is linked to violet or purple. By harnessing the power of these colors and integrating various healing practices, you can effectively address and heal imbalances in your chakras.Energy Center Exercises

Color Therapy for Chakra Healing

Colors have profound effects on our energy and emotions. To heal a blocked or imbalanced chakra, incorporate its associated color into your daily life. If, for example, you are working on your solar plexus chakra (yellow), consider decorating a room with yellow accents or using yellow lighting. If redecorating isn't feasible, you can wear yellow clothing or keep yellow objects around you. This subtle immersion in the color can help to realign your energy and encourage healing.

For chakras related to different colors, such as the heart chakra (green) or the sacral chakra (orange), use similar methods. Surround yourself with green or orange items, or even cook meals with these colors to support your healing journey. By aligning your environment with the color of the chakra you're focusing on, you can absorb the vibrational frequency of that color, fostering a healing effect.

Color Therapy for Chakra Healing

Meditation for Chakra Alignment

Meditation is a powerful tool for chakra healing and can be tailored to target specific energy centers. Guided imagery videos, available on platforms like YouTube, offer chakra-specific meditations that can guide you through visualizing and healing your chakras. These videos often use color visualization, energy movement, and relaxation techniques to help open and balance your chakras.

For a more personalized approach, try traditional meditation techniques. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus your attention on the area of your body associated with the chakra you wish to heal. Imagine a bright light or color filling that space, gently clearing away blockages and restoring balance. Regular meditation, even for just a few minutes each day, can significantly enhance your energy flow and overall well-being.

Affirmations to Strengthen Chakra Energy

Affirmations are positive statements that can reprogram your subconscious mind and support chakra healing. Each chakra influences different aspects of your life, and using targeted affirmations can help address specific imbalances. For example, if you struggle with self-esteem issues, which are related to the solar plexus chakra, you might use affirmations like, "I am confident and worthy of success."

For challenges related to communication, which are associated with the throat chakra, affirmations like, "I express myself clearly and effectively" can be beneficial. By consistently repeating affirmations that resonate with the energy of your imbalanced chakra, you reinforce positive beliefs and encourage healing.

Breathing Exercises to Energize Your Chakras

Breathing is a fundamental practice in energy work and yoga, directly influencing the flow of energy in your body. When a chakra is blocked, it often means that energy is stagnant or negative. Breathing exercises can help to clear and revitalize your energy centers.

Try focusing your breath on the location of your closed chakra. As you inhale, visualize positive, healing energy flowing into that area. As you exhale, imagine releasing any negativity or blockages. This practice helps to open the chakra and restore healthy energy flow. Techniques like deep abdominal breathing or alternate nostril breathing can be particularly effective in enhancing your energy balance.

Yoga for Chakra Healing

Yoga offers a physical approach to chakra healing through poses that target specific energy centers. Each yoga pose can influence different chakras and help to release tension and promote balance. For example, if you’re focusing on the heart chakra, which is associated with love and compassion, incorporate poses that open the chest, such as the Camel Pose (Ustrasana) or the Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana).

Regular practice of yoga can help to maintain balanced energy in your chakras. By integrating poses that align with your healing goals, you can support the flow of energy throughout your body and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

By combining these methods—color therapy, meditation, affirmations, breathing exercises, and yoga—you can create a holistic approach to chakra healing. Each practice complements the others, providing a comprehensive strategy to address imbalances and promote harmony within your energy system.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy involves using sound frequencies to heal and balance chakras. Different sounds and vibrations can resonate with specific chakras, helping to clear blockages and restore energy flow.

  • Tuning Forks: Specially tuned forks are struck and placed near the body to resonate with particular chakras.
  • Singing Bowls: Crystal or metal bowls are played to produce vibrations that can harmonize the energy of a chakra.
  • Chanting and Mantras: Repeating specific sounds or mantras, such as “Om” or “Lam” for the root chakra, can help align and energize your chakras.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing utilizes the energy of gemstones and crystals to support chakra balance. Each crystal is believed to have unique properties that correspond to different chakras.

  • Amethyst: Often used for the crown chakra, promoting spiritual connection and insight.
  • Rose Quartz: Associated with the heart chakra, encouraging love and emotional healing.
  • Citrine: Linked to the solar plexus chakra, enhancing personal power and confidence.

You can place crystals on the chakra areas during meditation or carry them with you to benefit from their healing properties.


Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves a practitioner channeling universal energy to balance the chakras. During a Reiki session, the practitioner lightly touches or hovers their hands over the body, facilitating the flow of energy and helping to clear blockages.

Reiki can be done in person or remotely, making it a flexible option for chakra healing.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to support chakra health by influencing the energy and emotional states associated with different chakras.

  • Lavender: Calming and balancing, often used for the third eye and crown chakras.
  • Peppermint: Energizing and refreshing, helpful for the throat chakra.
  • Patchouli: Grounding and stabilizing, beneficial for the root chakra.

You can use essential oils in diffusers, apply them topically (diluted with a carrier oil), or add them to your bath.

Journaling and Self-Reflection

Journaling and self-reflection help you explore and address the emotional and psychological aspects of each chakra. Writing about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts related to a specific chakra can reveal underlying issues and patterns that need attention.

Reflect on areas of your life connected to each chakra and identify any imbalances or challenges. This process can provide insights and guide your healing journey.

Energy Clearing Techniques

Energy clearing methods help to remove stagnant or negative energy from the chakras and the body.

  • Smudging: Burning sage, palo santo, or other herbs to cleanse the energy field.
  • Salt Baths: Soaking in a bath with Epsom salt or sea salt to draw out toxins and negativity.
  • Visualization: Imagining a cleansing light or energy washing over and purifying your chakras

Bodywork and Massage

Bodywork and massage techniques can help release tension and blockages in the physical body, which often correspond to chakra imbalances.

  • Deep Tissue Massage: Targets muscle tension and can help release stored emotions related to specific chakras.
  • Acupressure: Applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and balance chakras.

By incorporating these diverse techniques into your chakra healing practice, you can address imbalances more comprehensively and support your journey towards greater energy harmony and well-being.

Healing Energy Cords with Reiki- Relationship Healing

Reclaim Your Power: How Cutting Energy Cords Can Remove Negative Energy and Transform Your Life

What Are Energy Cords?

Energy cords can be a temporary telepathic and energetic link between two people. Cords aren't necessarily bad however if you find yourself constantly thinking of someone in particular, you may form a cord that will drain you and make you feel bad for no reason. Energy cords show themselves as that surge that you get when you connect with someone. It depends hugely on the person, the circumstances, and on your openness to the feeling.

Cords can form between people, objects, and situations where there is a fearful attachment, afraid to let go, scared to be alone, afraid to be without. These are invisible energy links. We normally cord to other people and also allow them to cord to us throughout the course of our everyday lives. Many of these cords are short lived and dissolve quickly. There are some however, normally the intensive, volatile, or the longer term relationships, that create cords and with a build-up of numerous energies and emotions, such as desire, need, love, anger, jealousy, envy etc. These cords can create problems in the form of aches and pains, depression, rage, exhaustion, burn-out etc.

It's normal for parents to form cords with their babies, this is both a necessity and a positive thing, as these cords help parents communicate with and understand their baby’s needs. Healthy cords dissolve naturally over a period of time, as the child grows. Negative cords feed the energy and emotions of one person to another, both positive and negative, so you may be feeling particularly angry and not know why, you may also be feeling depressed for no apparent reason. Cords are normally formed on a subconscious level, through a person’s need for strength, manipulation, control.

If you have decided to move on from a relationship and you find it particularly difficult to “let-go” it may be that there are cords of attachment from the other person holding you back. A person going through a divorce may be feeding their anger, rage, stress, and jealousy to the other person and vice versa. Without realizing it, parents feed these emotions to their children and partners, creating all sorts of problems for everyone. If you have a cord attached to someone you love and that person is going through a major crisis, they may be draining energy from you. So you will feel drained without knowing why. In this case some healthy boundaries need to be created.

Energy Healing Cord Cutting in Miami Beach
Cutting Cords for Healing

Removing a cord is a process:
1.unplugging the cord
2.disposing of the cord
3.cleansing and healing the anchor point / attachment point.

In energy cord work, there is more than the healing practitioner and the client involved – there are others at the opposite end of each cord and they too must be taken cared for. Cutting cords doesn't necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships, unless that is what you are seeking. Cord cutting will help you move forward with confidence and clarity since it releases the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Fear is the opposite of love, and all attachments are created from fear.

Emotional Cord Cutting sessions can be performed in-person and via distant healing. I use high frequency spiritual light to heal the areas where the cords were attached and create a shield around each chakra to prevent further attachments.

Benefits of Cutting Energy Cords

Cutting negative energy cords allows you to free yourself from toxic connections and reclaim your personal power. The benefits are profound:

  • Emotional Freedom: Let go of lingering emotional baggage and create space for healing and growth.
  • Increased Energy: Regain your vitality, and feel more energized and motivated.
  • Improved Relationships: Develop healthier, more balanced relationships based on mutual respect and love.
  • Mental Clarity: Clear your mind of intrusive thoughts and focus on what truly matters.

Benefits of Cutting Energy Cords

Why Energy Cord Cutting Is Essential for Healing

If you’ve decided to move on from a relationship but find it difficult to let go, there may be cords of attachment from the other person holding you back. In cases such as divorce, anger, stress, and jealousy can be exchanged between individuals through these cords, even without their awareness. Parents can unintentionally pass these emotions onto their children or partners, creating additional strain for everyone involved.

In some cases, you may feel drained because someone you love is going through a major crisis and unknowingly drawing energy from you. Cutting these cords and establishing healthy boundaries is crucial for both your well-being and theirs.

Cutting cords doesn't mean, "I don't love you or care about you anymore." Cord cutting doesn't necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear”. Doreen Virtue

Spiritual healing services in Miami Beach, Florida

Ready to Transform Your Life? Click here to book your session now and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.

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Distant Healing Sessions Available

As spiritual energy is not limited by time and space, distant aura healing becomes possible. Distant healing is especially useful when there are physical or geographic limitations. Distant / Remote healing is calming and promotes the release of stress. They can also be revitalizing and help speed up recovery times for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. 

Sensuality, Sexuality, Relationships and Pleasure: Sacral 2nd Chakra

Sacral Chakra Sexuality, Creativity, Emotional Body
Sacral Chakra
Sexuality, Creativity, Emotional Body


Our sacral chakra is located in the area below your navel, lower abdomen, low-back and sexual organs. The basic issues affected are creativity, sexuality, money, relationships, empathy, nurturing, pleasure, emotions, movement, change, warmth, and intimacy. It represents your ability to go with the flow – grace and acceptance and allowing yourself to enjoy your life and achievements. The associated body parts are your hips, lower back, sexual organs, bladder, kidneys, stomach, large intestine, pelvis, appendix, and bodily fluids.

Our roles are affected by the programming in this area of fear of abandonment, financial security, social status, children, and creativity. You can be controlled by your fears, level of trust, guilt and shame. This area is concerned with daily aspects of living, people to whom we relate, and quality of our relationships. It also relates to everything we own, money, relationships, and passions.

If you are feeling pain or discomfort in your any of these body locations, it may be an indication that there are some emotional issues that need clearing. I see this every day with my clients. Low back pain has a high association with money issues among other things. If you do not have a habit of safely expressing your emotions, it is likely that your lower body is holding onto these emotions until you are ready to process them. Unexpressed and unprocessed emotions do not go away; they take up residence in your energetic and physical bodies.

Sacral Chakra free information

Balanced Sacral Chakra

A healthy and open sacral chakra means you are friendly and open with yourself, others and nature. You possess great vitality and readily express empathy for others. Creativity and emotions flow with enthusiasm and you are naturally joyful and innately intuitive. You are in touch with your sexuality and a healthy sexual union with your partner which makes your body and spirit healthy.

Blocked Sacral Chakra

Tensions in this chakra manifest as inner conflict, sexual problems, instability and a sense of disconnection. This chakra is concerned with daily aspects of ourselves, the people to whom we come in contact with, and quality of our relationships. Pain and discomfort in the body parts that are connected to the sacral chakra are an indication that there are some emotional issues that need clearing. The blockage can affect creativity, sexuality, money, relationships, empathy, pleasure, emotions, warmth, and intimacy. Feeling controlled by fears, not trusting others, guilt and/or shame.

To speak with someone call or text (786) 266-2714

Heal your Sacral Chakra

Mindfulness is the first step to being aware of your emotions and feelings. Emotional release exercise and inner work is important because this chakra rules emotions and emotional well being.

The sacral chakra energy also affects the way you feel about your sexuality and self-esteem. Emotional support and inner work, like meditation can help with healing a blocked sacral chakra. The way you express your sensuality and sexual desire plays a key role on how you feel about your own body. Be mindful about the energy you give to others and the energy that you receive back. This chakra supports personal expansion and the formation of identity through relating to others and to the world.

To speak with someone call or text (786) 266-2714

Need Professional Help? Distant Healing, Remote Sessions Available
As spiritual energy is not limited by time and space, distant aura healing becomes possible. Distant healing is especially useful when there are physical or geographic limitations. Distant / Remote healing is calming and promotes the release of stress. They can also be revitalizing and help speed up recovery times for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.

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Balance Your Throat Chakra: Easy Meditation Tips

Balance your Throat Chakra

Unlock Your Voice: Healing the 5th Chakra, Vishuddha

The 5th Chakra, or Vishuddha, is the energy center associated with your throat, vocal cords, and thyroid. This chakra is the gateway through which we express ourselves and our true feelings. It governs not just how we communicate with others, but also how we perceive ourselves through our inner dialogue.

Understanding the Impact of Vishuddha

The tone and quality of your voice are powerful indicators of your emotional state. A hurried or strained tone might suggest stress or anxiety, while a calm, measured voice can help transform challenging situations into more manageable ones. As an intuitive reader, I observe how people express themselves through their words and tone, as these are windows into their inner world.

Common Blocks in the 5th Chakra

When the Vishuddha chakra is out of balance, you might encounter several challenges, such as:

  • Fear of Speaking: Anxiety about voicing thoughts or opinions.
  • Difficulty in Expression: Struggling to articulate feelings or ideas clearly.
  • Over-Talking or Bluntness: Speaking excessively or harshly.
  • Inappropriate Language: Using foul or aggressive language.

Physical manifestations of these blocks can include frequent sore throats, colds, thyroid issues, or a sensation of tightness in the throat.

Balance Your Throat Chakra: Easy Meditation Tips

Healing and Balancing Vishuddha

To restore balance to your throat chakra, consider these mindful practices:

Mindful Communication: Pay attention to how you speak about others and yourself. Your words and their tone can deeply impact your interactions and overall well-being. In my experience, maintaining a smooth, calm tone can significantly shift the dynamics of a conversation. Smiling while speaking can also add an uplifting quality to your voice.

Simple Throat Chakra Meditation:

    • Find Your Comfort: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Focus on your breath.
    • Call for Guidance: Invite your Angels, Guides, or a higher power to assist with your healing.
    • Practice Sama Vritti: This Pranayama technique involves equal breath. Inhale for a count of 4 or 6, and then exhale for the same count. Continue this for a few minutes until you feel centered.
    • Visualize and Balance: Envision a blue ball of energy at your throat area, rotating clockwise. As you inhale, imagine drawing in the color blue to energize your throat. As you exhale, visualize releasing the color black, symbolizing negativity or blockages.

Feel free to adapt this meditation for other chakras by using their corresponding colors.

Balancing your Vishuddha chakra not only enhances your ability to communicate but also aligns your inner voice with your true self, fostering authenticity and clarity in all your interactions.

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Reiki Natural Healing Benefits for Mind, Body, and Spirit

Unleash the Healing Power of Reiki: Expert tips to maximize your Reiki sessions for deep relaxation, stress relief, and overall well-being.

Dr. Usui’s Reiki, or Usui Shiki Ryoho, is based on ancient Japanese energy practices, closely linked to the country’s spiritual traditions. The core idea? That there’s an unseen "life force energy" flowing through us all, and when it’s blocked, ailments arise.

The Benefits of Reiki: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

One of the most remarkable things about Reiki is its versatility. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, emotional wounds, or spiritual stagnation, Reiki offers a gentle, non-invasive way to restore balance.

Many turn to Reiki to complement their medical treatments or alleviate chronic conditions. By releasing energy blockages, Reiki can ease physical pain, promote faster recovery from injuries, and even strengthen the immune system.

  • Pain Relief: Reiki can help alleviate chronic pain conditions by restoring the flow of energy and activating the body’s natural healing response.
  • Immune Support: As stress is a significant factor in many illnesses, Reiki’s ability to reduce stress can bolster your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off illness.
In today’s fast-paced world, emotional balance often feels like a distant dream. Reiki’s calming effects can help you release old emotional wounds, overcome anxiety, and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace.
  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Reiki sessions create a space of stillness, helping you reset your mental state and ease the weight of daily stressors.
  • Emotional Healing: If you’ve experienced emotional trauma, Reiki can help release stored pain, enabling you to heal from within.

For those on a spiritual journey, Reiki can be a powerful tool for self-discovery. It opens you to deeper layers of intuition, helping you connect with your higher self and understand your purpose on a soul level.

Benefits of Reiki Healing for Mind, Body, and Spirit
Is Reiki Right for You? Exploring Reiki’s Universal Appeal

Reiki’s universal life force energy is available to everyone, regardless of age, background, or health status. Whether you’re a skeptic or a seasoned energy healer, Reiki has something to offer.

You don’t need to believe in Reiki for it to work—just like gravity, Reiki functions whether you’re aware of it or not. That said, an open mind and a willingness to receive can certainly enhance your experience. Whether you’re looking for a complementary therapy to medical treatments, a way to manage stress, or a path toward spiritual enlightenment, Reiki can help you on your journey.

Benefits of Reiki Healing for Mind, Body, and Spirit

Reiki for Self-Healing: Can You Learn to Do Reiki?

Reiki isn’t just something you receive—it’s something you can learn to practice on yourself and others. Reiki training is typically divided into three levels, with each stage bringing deeper understanding and greater ability.

Level 1: Self-Healing and Healing Others

At this stage, you’ll learn the basics of Reiki and how to channel energy into yourself and others. You’ll be taught how to perform Reiki by placing your hands on different areas of the body, helping balance the chakras and energy fields.

Level 2: Distance Healing

The second level allows you to send Reiki energy to people, situations, or events, no matter where they are. Distance Reiki works on the principle that energy is not bound by time or space.

Level 3: Reiki Mastery

This final stage is about mastering Reiki and learning how to teach it to others. At this level, you’ll gain deeper insights into energy healing and may choose to pass on your knowledge as a Reiki teacher.

Reiki and Energy Healing
Ready to Embark on Your Reiki Healing Journey

The healing power of Reiki offers a transformative journey that touches every aspect of your being—body, mind, and spirit. Whether you're seeking physical relief, emotional release, or spiritual growth, Reiki creates space for you to heal at your own pace, in your own way. It’s a gentle, non-invasive therapy that harnesses the natural energy flowing through the universe, allowing you to align with your own inner power and healing potential.

Reiki is not just a moment of relaxation—it’s an invitation to connect with your true self, to clear away the clutter of life, and to live in alignment with your deepest well-being. The question isn’t if Reiki can help you, but how it will.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How does Reiki feel during a session?
Most people describe Reiki as a warm, soothing sensation. You may feel tingling, light pressure, or even waves of energy moving through your body.

2. How many sessions will I need?
It depends on your goals. Some people feel results after one session, while others may benefit from a series of sessions to address deeper issues.

3. Can Reiki help with emotional healing?
Absolutely. Reiki is designed to balance not just the physical body but also the emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself, making it an excellent tool for emotional healing.

4. Is Reiki safe for children or pregnant women?
Yes, Reiki is safe for people of all ages and can be particularly beneficial for reducing stress during pregnancy.

5. Do I need to believe in Reiki for it to work?
While an open mind can enhance the experience, belief is not required. Reiki works whether or not you fully understand or believe in it.

Signs of Emotional Vampires and How to Protect Yourself

Energy vampires healing

Emotional vampires, also known as psychic vampires, are emotionally draining individuals who take time and energy from those around them. They're usually highly self-interested people who lack empathy. The relationships they form are largely self serving. I call these "draining people" energy vampires. They do more than drain your physical energy. The worst ones can make you believe you're unworthy and unlovable.

Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best, we must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive, loving people who make us feel safe and secure. It's equally important to pinpoint the emotional vampires, who, whether they intend to or not, suck our energy.

At first glance, energy vampires can seem highly attractive. They often are good-looking, bold, flamboyant or intelligent, and may appear to have a high opinion of you as indicated by their flattering attention. Drawing you into their inner circle may seem just the boost you need.
However, be aware that they are “grooming” you — setting you up to exploit you in whichever way best suits their purposes later. What seems quite innocent at first, such as finding a good friend, may lead you to compromise your ethics, morals and values against your will — maybe even breaking the law in due course. And because energy vampires are masters at avoiding responsibility, you could be the one who takes the blame when things go wrong.
To protect yourself, it's imperative to name and combat these energy vampires. They're everywhere: coworkers, neighbors, family, and friends. In Energy Healing I've treated a revolving door of people who've been hit hard by drainers--truly a mental health epidemic that conventional medicine doesn't see! I'm shocked by how many of these "emotionally walking wounded" (ordinarily perceptive, intelligent individuals) have become resigned to anxiety or depression. Emotional draining is a touchy subject. We don't know how to tactfully address our needs without alienating others. The result: We get tongue-tied, or destructively passive. We ignore the SOS from our gut that screams, "Beware!" Or, shaking in our boots, we're so afraid of of appearing "aggressive" that we become martyrs in lieu of being respectfully assertive. We don't speak out because we don't want to be seen as "difficult" or uncaring.

Energy Vampires & How to Protect Yourself

Vampires do more than drain our physical energy. The super-malignant ones can make you believe you're an unworthy, unlovable person who doesn't deserve better. The subtler species inflict damage that's more of a slow burn. Smaller digs here and there can make you feel bad about yourself such as, I see that you've gained few pounds." In a flash, they've zapped you by prodding areas of shaky self-worth.

This is my take on energy vampires: Their behavior are unacceptable; you must develop a successful plan for coping with them. I deeply believe that taking a stand against draining people is a form of self-care and self love that you must practice to give you freedom.

Signs of Emotional vampires

What turns someone into an energy vampire? First, a psychological reason: children often mimic their parents' most unflattering traits. A self-absorbed mother/father can turn you into a self-absorbed son/daughter. Early modeling has impact. Studies of Holocaust survivors show that many became abusive parents themselves. The second explanation involves subtle energy. I've observed that childhood trauma--mistreatment, loss, parental alcoholism, illness--can weaken a person's energy field (aura). This energy leakage may condition those with such early wounds to draw on the vitality of others to compensate; it's not something most are aware of. Nevertheless, the effects can be extreme. Visualize an octopus-like tendril extending from their energy field and onto yours. Your intuition may register this as sadness, anger, fatigue, or anxiety. The degree of mood change or physical reaction may vary. A vampire's effects can stun like a sonic blast or make you slowly wilt. But it's the rare drainer that sets out to purposely enervate you. The majority act unconsciously, oblivious to being an emotional drain.

Let me tell you the secret of how a vampire operates so you can outsmart one. A vampire goes in for the kill by stirring up your emotions. Pushing your buttons throws you off center, which renders you easier to drain. Of all the emotional types, empaths are often the most devastated. However, certain emotional states increase everyone's vulnerability. I myself am most susceptible to emotional vampires when I feel desperate, exhausted, or dis-empowered.

Here are some others:
Low self-esteem
A victim mentality
Fear of asserting yourself
Addiction to people-pleasing

When encountering energy vampires, see what you can learn too. It's your choice. You can simply feel tortured, resentful, and impotent. Or, as I try to do, ask yourself, "How can this interchange help me grow?" Every second of life, good, bad, or indifferent, is a chance to become emotionally freer and stronger.

Emotional Vampires and How to Protect Yourself

Exercise 1: Determine If You Have an Energy Vampire in Your Life

Anyone who has ever shared an office, carpool, or attended a family dinner with a vampire can attest to experiencing some common emotional side effects. Even after a brief contact, you feel worse; they feel better. To find out if you've been bled, watch for these signs.

You feel put down or like the rug was pulled out from under you
Your mood takes a nosedive
You have a desire to binge on comfort food
You feel sniped at or agitated
Have intuitive flashes or dreams

In addition, sometimes intuitive flashes and dreams can raise a red flag. Pay attention. Whether you're awake or asleep, notice telling imagery that conveys emotion. This will help you identify a vampire.

Take an inventory of the people in your life who are potential drainers. List all your key family members, friends and co-workers in the left hand column and check off if any of them have an adverse affect on you when in their company or on the phone. Experiencing even one of these effects indicates that person is a drain on the prowl. By doing this you become aware of who vibrates positive vibes and who doesn't.

Distant Healing, Remote Sessions Available

Need Professional Help? Distant Healing, Remote Sessions Available

As spiritual energy is not limited by time and space, distant energy healing becomes possible. Distant healing is especially useful when there are physical or geographic limitations. Distant / Remote healing is calming and promotes the release of stress. They can also be revitalizing and help speed up recovery times for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. 

To speak with someone call or text (786) 266-2714

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